Why stop with Sky?
"I continue to press forward towards the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:14)
The Biblical antidote for backsliding is that we must go on to perfection, leaving the elementary principles of Christ and not laying again the foundation (Heb 6:1,2).
This passage (Heb6:1-6) calls Repentance, Faith, Baptisms, Gifts of the Spirit, Resurrection and Judgement as the "elementary principles" or the "foundation." In the Primary School we studied 1+1=2; 1x1=1; 1-1=0; and so on. This is the foundation. This is important. One cannot afford to forget this as he passes into the higher classes. At the same time, isn't it unprofitable to study only these fundamentals again and again? As much as the elementary or foundational principles are important, moving from them onto higher and deeper truths is necessary. We should "go on to perfection." Just because the foundation is important for a building, should the foundation be laid again and again?! We must go on to the superstructure! How can we be protected from sun and rain unless the superstructure is built? We Christians are so backslidden that those who preach the above six principles are called as "full" Gospel preachers! Are we so blind to call the foundation the building?
Apostle Paul testifies of his life which is a challenge for our consistent and continuous progress in life: "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on... that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me" (Phil 3:12). His interest was "the knowledge of Christ," "the power of His Resurrection" and "the fellowship of His sufferings." To put it briefly, Christ's purpose for Paul was Paul's purpose in Christ. We must be ambitious spiritually. Higher and higher. Deeper and deeper. Wider and wider. Nearer and nearer. This should be our aim. For a Christian the sky is not the limit. Because, he has the "Heavenward call of God in Christ Jesus!" (Phil 3:14).
Spend as much time on knees and with an open Bible. It's not enough if you study How to Pray, How to Worship, How to Minister, and so on. You must also search from the Scriptures How not to Pray, How not to Worship, and How not to Minister. Do not stop climbing. If you stop you are sure to slide down. Forwarding prevents backsliding!
More about Jesus would I know, more of His grace to others show;
More of His saving fullness see, more of His love who died for me!
(E.E. Hewitt, 1851-1920)
Courtesy : http://www.stanleyonbible.com/dd/11/1116.htm
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