"Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord." - Psalm 4:4-5
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches" (Rev 3:13) Precious Child, I want to bring you out of your apprehensions to witness for Christ. You are afraid that people might mock at you. Your throat chokes every time you want to open your mouth to share the Gospel. The fear of ridicule silences you. Don't feel bad about it, My child. This was the problem of the disciples of Jesus also even though they had walked with Him for over three years. Can you imagine how a key figure like Peter could ever deny and disown Christ? Their weakness overpowered their willingness. The problem was solved by My coming. That's why Jesus wouldn't let them go out until they got filled with My power (Acts 1:4). When I came upon them, the cowards became challengers! Be filled with Me. Don't consider your timidity or boast of your oratory skill. Depend on Me. I will grant you boldness in all situations to speak forth the message of the Cros...
"They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you keep your head in all situations" (2 Tim 4:4,5) I am an ardent fan of John the Baptist. There is no harm in admiring him because all who started as John's fans became Jesus' followers. A comparison of John with many Christian ministers of today makes me hang down my head in shame and sorrow. John was filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb (Lk 1:15); but the modern prophets communicate with the spirits of men who have gone to the tomb. The Word of God came to him (Lk 3:2); but many of their revelations contradict the written Word of God. He was a desert-dweller, dead to the lust for popularity (Mt 3:1); but they are city-lovers, hunting for recognition and lusting limelight. John was a voice from God (Jn 1 :23); but the modern preachers are an echo of someone of similar brand. He did not seek pulpits but people sought him and...
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