Senders or Soulwinners?

"O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act!" (Dan 9:19a)

This is the day of missionary revival. Several missionary organi- sations have been born in the wake of this revival. The percentage of Christians in India is on the increase. However, there are certain tragedies in many Churches today in the context of missions. Let us look at this today and tomorrow.

* Many Organisers but few Agonizers!

There is not much difficulty in getting volunteers to organize a missionary challenge meet or a fund mobilization programme or even a missionary prayer meeting. But the actual agonizers in prayer are scarce. Organising needs talents, but agonizing involves tears. Organizing is possible with just fleshly enthusiasm, but agonizing is a spiritual excruciation.

Though organizing is necessary, it cannot precede or take the place of agonizing. Apostle Paul was a great organizer but first an agonizer. He was a missionary institution. He strove in his prayers. He beseeched fellow believers in Christ to strive together with him in their prayers (Rom 15:30). Epaphras of Colossian Church had an organized translocal vision, but he was labouring fervently in prayer (Col 4:12,13). There will be too few problems if agonizers outnumber organizers.

* Many Senders but few Soulwinners!

Jesus was a Sender of missionaries (Mt 10:5,16). At the same time He went out personally as a Soulwinner (Mt 11:1). It is a pity that many Churches are full of supporters only. It is like filling the inside of a Church building with pillars. Imagine! Let us go out with the fishing rod. Personal involvement with souls can never be sacrificed for anything, even if it concerns missions. Jesus was first and last a personal Soulwinner. His primary call to every Christian is to be a fisher of men (Mt 4:19).

Churches must become centres of recruitment and training of soul- winners. Does your Church have a regular training programme for soulwinning? (I am not asking how many missionaries your Church has sent). I hesitate to call one a missionary Church if it is not a soulwinning Church and one which does not produce soulwinners. Away with the unscriptural idea that a soul in distant lands is more precious than a non-Christian in our neighbourhood! Charity begins at home. God usually calls for frontier missions those who are active in neighbourhood evangelism.


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