Prizes and Praises!

"I have fought a good fight; I have finished the race; I have firmly held the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the victor's crown" (2 Tim 4:7,8)

Christian life is a race, full of hurdles and hindrances, ups and downs, thorns and bruises, sufferings and shame. What encourages us is the honours and prizes that await us at the end of the race. Hebrews Chapter 12 discloses them—

1. We will see the Lamb of God, even the Lord Jesus, face to face, as the Finisher of our faith at the finishing point! (v2). He started the race for us and now He will be there to receive us with hands open.

2. We will enter the joy of the Lord (v2). The end of the race is eternal bliss. No more tears, sorrow or death. It's joy, joy and only joy—never ending!

3. Jesus "sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God" (v2). So shall we sit with Him on His Throne! (Rev 3:21). Our eternal occupation will be worship. No prayer, no preaching, but only praise!

4. Our sanctification will be complete—we will partake of God's holiness in all fullness (v10). We shall be transformed and be just like Him. We will enjoy the deliverance from the very presence of sin.

5. We will see the invisible God (v14). God who dwells in unapproachable light will then dwell with us literally. We shall be His people and He will be our God in every sense (Rev 21:3).

6. We shall fully enjoy "the blessing" of blessings, even our birthright as the children of God (vv16,17). "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit" (1 Cor 2:9,10). What isrevealed now will be fully realised then!

7. Finally, we shall be serving God as kings and priests in His unshakable Kingdom forever and ever (v28). In all earthly races, people receive a cup or cash. But in the Christian race we will be receiving a Crown— "a Kingdom!" Unlike the races in sportsfield, the faith race is not a competition but completion! All can make it—not just one or two!

Far away beyond the shadows,
There a bright and joyful throng
Wave their palms of holy triumph,
While they sing the glad New Song!
                                    (Julia Sterling)


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