Bold Voice

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches" (Rev 3:13) 

Precious Child,

I want to bring you out of your apprehensions to witness for Christ. You are afraid that people might mock at you. Your throat chokes every time you want to open your mouth to share the Gospel. The fear of ridicule silences you. Don't feel bad about it, My child. This was the problem of the disciples of Jesus also even though they had walked with Him for over three years. Can you imagine how a key figure like Peter could ever deny and disown Christ? Their weakness overpowered their willingness. The problem was solved by My coming. That's why Jesus wouldn't let them go out until they got filled with My power (Acts 1:4). When I came upon them, the cowards became challengers!

Be filled with Me. Don't consider your timidity or boast of your oratory skill. Depend on Me. I will grant you boldness in all situations to speak forth the message of the Cross (Acts 4:31). Your educational qualification is not the criterion. You will see souls saved when you witness to them for Christ in My power (Acts 1:8). I will equip you with My gifts (1 Cor 12:7-10). You can discern spirits. You can drive out demons. You can deliver people from sin and sickness. You can demonstrate My power through signs and wonders. You can denounce evil through prophetic words. You can declare words of faith into hopeless situations. You can demoralize the enemy's agents. You can dethrone wicked powers from governmental seats. You can declutch youth from drugs and deception.

Satan will fight against you tooth and nail when you go proclaiming the Gospel. He will not easily loosen his grip on souls. Just because you go in My power, don't think he will stay silent. He will instigate people to work against you. He will incite them to beat or burn you. I won't promise that no stone pelted at you will hit you, but I will make your face angelic even if you will have to bleed to death. I will keep your spirit sweet and not turn bitter against the persecutors (Acts 6:15; 7:60). You will overflow with My joy (Acts 13:50-52). I will rest on you as the Spirit of Glory (1 Pet 4:14). Take heart!

Gracious Spirit, dwell with me! I myself would gracious be,
And with words that help and heal would Thy life in mine reveal;
And with actions bold and meek would for Christ, my Saviour, speak!
(Thomas T. Lynch, 1818-1871)


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