Bathing and Washing

"He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet; otherwise he is completely clean" (Jn 13:10)

Jesus quoted this proverb while He was washing the feet of His disciples. He wanted to teach them the difference between bathing and washing. He said that there was no need for them to bathe again. What was necessary was just washing of the feet. In Christian life, this beautifully illustrates the difference between Justification and Sanctification.

Justification is comparable to bathing. It's an instant cleansing by the Blood of Jesus. It's total. This cleansing by the Blood makes saints out of sinners instantly. "He who is bathed is completely clean!" There's no sin against him in God's record. The depth of God's love has thrown his sins into the bottom of the sea; itsbreadth has removed them as far as the East is from the West; its length has thrown them behind God's back; its height has caused them disappear like clouds (Mic 7:19; Psa 103:12; Isa 38:17; 44:22). The 4-dimensional love of God!

After we are justified or born again or regenerated, it is likely that in our daily "walk" our "feet" become dirty. Because we are sheep and no more pigs, we don't voluntarily and willingly walk into the gutter. Because the seed of God now remains in us we cannot happily and habitually commit sin (1 Jn 3:9). The only person who walked on the sin-stained earth without soiling his feet was Jesus. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves. We need daily "footwashing" by the Blood of Jesus!

Peter was known for extremes like some Christians. Either they would keep shouting, "Once Saved, Always Safe," and would not bother about frequent self-examination and cleansing. Or, every time they commit sin they would go on a guilt-trip as if they had lost their salvation, and pray to be born again "again." Jesus rightly said, "No bathing again; only washing!" Justification is an onetime event, a crisis experience, never to be repeated; whereas sanctification is a moment-by-moment ongoing process which gets completed only at the hour of final Glorification.

Dear child of God, away with the doubt and fear whether you would make it to the end or not? Here's the Biblical guarantee, if you keep loving God and following Him faithfully: "Whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified" (Rom 8:30). Hallelujah


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