(Children's Day) Join Jesus!
"Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, in divine grace and in favour with men by leaps and bounds" (Lk 2:52)
God Almighty is looking for boys and girls who can carry His blessings to this world. Will you come forward, dear?
* Wanted youth who will obey their parents and be dutiful to them till death — like JESUS (Lk 2:51; Jn 19:25-27)
* Wanted youth who will say no to sexual immorality and run away from the place and person of temptation — like JOSEPH (Gen 39:10-12)
* Wanted youth who will totally abstain from any form of evil — Like TIMOTHY (1 Tim 5:23)
* Wanted youth who will be wedded to the Bible — like JOSEPH and TIMOTHY (Psa 105:19; 2 Tim 3:15)
* Wanted youth who will work hard towards a balanced growth, physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially — like JESUS (Lk 2:52)
* Wanted youth who will cooperate sincerely with their godly parents to fulfil the plan and purposes of God — like ISAAC (Gen 22:6,9-14)
* Wanted youth who will boldly witness for Christ amidst all mockery and threat — like SAUL PAUL (Acts 9:29)
* Wanted youth who will not compromise on their convictions and faith though it might mean losing the favour of the employer — like DANIEL & Co. (Dan 3:16-18; 6:10,11,16)
* Wanted youth who will faithfully obey the elders and wait for God's time of exaltation — like JOSHUA (Ex 24:13; Num 27:18-20)
* Wanted youth who will rally to remove hypocrisy and all rubbish from God's house —like the YOUNG MEN of Acts 5 (vv 6,9,10)
* Wanted youth who will dare to attempt great things for God inspite of the defiance of the technological world and the discouragement from the backslidden Church — like DAVID (1 Sam 17:28,33,43,44)
* Wanted youth who will instantly obey God's call to serve Him fulltime — like JAMES & JOHN (Mt 4:21,22)
* Wanted youth who will be ready to give away to God anything, if only it can be used to bless those in need, even if it would mean personal sacrifice — like the unnamed LAD (Jn 6:9-11)
Happy Children's Day!
Courtesy : http://www.stanleyonbible.com/dd/11/1114.htm
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