30 Years for 3 Years!
"Be diligent in these matters; practice these duties, devote yourself to them so your progress may be evident to everyone" (1 Tim 4:15)
While spiritual birth happens at an instant, growth is a process. Born as the Son of God, Jesus took about 30 years for His growth (Lk 3:23). He did not begin His public ministry until then. Luke records that Jesus "grew" in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and with men (2:52)—intellectual, physical, spiritual and social growth.
The Boy Jesus knew so much even at the age of twelve. His wisdom surprised the religious leaders and people. But He did not rush into ministry eventhough He undoubtedly had a sense of urgency. He waited. He refused to be pressurised by the needs around. This preministerial preparation of Jesus is tacitly overlooked by us to our own disadvantage and disaster.
In his first letter to Timothy, apostle Paul stresses that a leader should not be a recent convert (1 Tim 3:6). An immature person gets puffed up with pride when he is catapulted to positions of authority. He crashlands and brings disgrace to himself and dishonour to the work of God. Paul equates it to the downfall of the devil. In verses 4 and 5 the apostle speaks of proving in domestic responsibilities, and in verse 7 he calls for public dignity. These are neither learnt nor developed overnight.
Our pulpits are downgraded by immature ministers. They defend themselves quoting Paul who started preaching "immediately" after his conversion (Acts 9:20). What they forget is the years of rigorous training and teaching this Jewish zealot had before his highway experience with Christ. All through his life Paul was committed to his personal growth (Acts 9:22a; Phil 3:8-14). Even while awaiting execution, he asked for his "books" (2 Tim 4:13).
When we stop growing we start going down. Dullness in life and staleness in ministry will be the inevitable result. For consistent and nonstop growth, we must not just be regular in spiritual disciplines but stay passionate after God to know Him and make Him known. Everyday with Jesus will be better than the day before!
Day by day, O dear Lord, three things I pray:
To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly,
Follow Thee more nearly, day by day!
(St. Richard Chickester)
Courtesy : http://www.stanleyonbible.com/dd/11/1119.htm
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