I Love U!

"Guard your heart with all diligence; for out of it emerges issues of life" (Prov 4:23)

Karthar Singh belonged to a wealthy Sikh family. When he accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour, his dad tried various methods to lure and turn him from his faith but in vain. Finally his father sent a beautiful girl to him when Karthar was alone, asking her to change his stand by hook or crook. But Karthar Singh said to her, "I have only one heart. I have already given it to Jesus. I'm sorry, I don't have another one to give it to you!"

All evil originates from the heart (Mk 7:21,22). God knows that "above all things the heart is deceitful, and desperately wicked" (Jer 17:9). That's why He demands our heart: to remove from us our "heart of stone" and replace it with a "heart of flesh" (Ezek 36:26b). With a lasting patience He goes on knocking at the door of our heart (Rev 3:20). If we open the door and let Him in, He gives us a "new heart" and fills it with a "new Spirit" (Ezek 36:26a).

Someday we might have given our hearts to the Lord. What is its present condition? Should there be any secret sins, it is time to repent, to confess it and renounce it. Let us carefully examine and find out whether love of the world which is hostile to God, pride which He detests, and envy that rots the bones have completely been wiped out of our heart (Js 4:4; Prov 16:5; 14:30). The Lord wants us to humble ourselves and get reconciled with those whom we have wronged (Mt 5:23,24) and forgive everyone wholeheartedly (Mt 6:15).

Let's decide once and for all to love God with "all our heart" (Mt 22:37). Doesn't our heart belong to Him? He sacrificed Himself and died for us. Don't give room for any rubbish, however tiny it may be, even in a corner of your heart. Tell God, "I love You!"

Let us bathe in the blood of Jesus every morning. As the Sun of righteousness He will brighten us everyday. "Our path will be like the first gleam of the dawn, shining and growing ever brighter and brighter till full light of the noon" (Prov 4:18).

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for Him each day;
In every way try to please Him—at home, at school, at play.
I will ask Jesus to help me, to keep my heart from sin;
Ever reflecting His goodness, and always shine for Him!
(Nellie Talbot)


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