School of Suffering

"All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Tim 3:12)

No Christian can escape the school of suffering. That is part and parcel of God's plan. No one other than Jesus suffered mentally and physically as Job did. We might profitably learn from Job's example how to face suffering.

Job gave praise to God for everything including his suffering. He stated, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord" (1:21). Job says that all things whatsoever that happened to him were but God's provision, received from His hand. This is not an exaggeration. Note that in the very next verse the Holy Spirit endorses and approves Job's statement. We are admonished to give thanks to God in everything (1 Thess 5:18), and make our requests known to Him with thanksgiving (Phil 4:6).
Job said, "Shall we indeed accept good from God... and not adversity?" As we accept whatever God allows in our life we would see that all things work together for our good (Rom 8:28) and that nothing will separate us from His love (Rom 8:35-39).

In the midst of his severe trials and such painful situations, listen to Job as he tells his friends, "Teach me and I will hold my tongue; cause me to understand wherein I have erred" (Job 6:24,25). This indicates the level of Job's maturity to be open and humble before his not so comforting friends. At times God does allow difficulties to correct our deficiencies. We ought to keep silent, find out where we failed and take efforts to correct ourselves.

As Job looks back at all the good God had done in his life, he realises amidst his agony his utter worthlessness. He is moved to tears as he muses on how much God cares to consider man as if he mattered at all, and asks in wonder, "What is man that You should magnify him, that you should set your heart on him, that you should visit him every morning?" (Job 7:17,18). May we too understand and accept that we are but lesser than the least, andGod is higher than the heavens? (1 Cor 15:9,10; Eph 3:8).
He saw me stall and hesitate,
And asked so lovingly, "My son, why?"
Into my heart so filled with awe and wonder
He gave so graciously His own perfect Word.
                                  (Dr. Clifford Kumar) 


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