Dead Church
"Can these bones live?" (Ezek 37:3)
Prophet Ezekiel was given a vision of the backslidden people of God. Nothing but a valley of "very many" and "very dry" bones could explain their awful condition. They seemed to have gone to a point of no return. The people themselves cried, "Our hope is lost!" (v11). God asked the prophet, "Can these bones live?" He threw back the question to God saying, "Lord, You only know!" The situation from a human viewpoint was i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e !
The Church is no better today. There is form but no power. "They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly" (2 Tim 3:5). There is a name but no life. Christ rebuked the Church in Sardis, "You have a reputation for being alive — but you are dead" (Rev 3:1). There is wealth but no vision (Rev 3:17). There are activities but no love (Rev 2:2-4). Instead of multiplication there are only divisions. In the words of the Preacher, "In the place of justice, wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness, iniquity was there" (Eccl 3:16). Vance Havner pointed out, "We have comfortable homes to ride in comfortable cars to sit in comfortable Churches to hear comfortable sermons. What do we know about the reproach of Christ?"
An artist once was asked to paint a picture that would portray a dying Church, hoping if even that might inspire the congregation to realise their need forrevival. The painting showed a grand Church building with tall spires, magnificently carved-out pulpit stand, exquisite stained glass windows, huge wooden doors and glittering chandelier lights. Near the huge doors was a small offertory box, the mouth of which was covered by cobweb. Yes, any Church that does not send or support missionaries is a dead Church. As Dr. Oswald J. Smith (1889-1986) put it, "A Church that does not evangelize will fossilize!"
But God has not given up on the Church. The gates of hell will have to ultimately give in to the Church (Mt 16:18). On our part we must obey like Prophet Ezekiel and keep on prophesying (Ezek 37). "Cry aloud, spare not. Lift up your voice like the trumpet. Tell My people of their sins! Yet they act so pious!" (Isa 58:1). The Church will then come back to where it should be. It will stand up "like a great army" and conquer the world for Christ (Ezek 37:10). The world at its worst needs the Church at its best!
O Breath of Life, come sweeping thro' us.
Revive Thy Church with life and power;
O Breath of Life, come, cleanse, renew us,
And fit Thy Church to meet this hour!
(Bessie P. Head, 1850-1936)
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