Sports Star

"All athletes practice strict self-control...They do it to win a prize"  - (1 Cor 9:25)

Some youngsters, when they get saved, start spending their evenings and all leisure time in prayers, Bible study groups and such spiritual activities. A few others find it difficult to leave sports and games. Some wonder whether the time they spend for sports instead of the soul is a waste. Is there a Biblical answer to this question?

Though the Bible does not directly encourage sports and games, it nowhere condemns it. By using many examples from the field of sports and games Paul and other Scripture writers explained spiritual truths in the Bible (Eph 6:12; 1 Tim 6:12; 1 Pet 1:4; Heb 12:1,2; Js 1:12).

Sports and games have many positive effects on the participants. A good sportsman is known for the discipline of his body, that is so vital to Christian life (1 Cor 9:24-27). Then there's obeying of the rules. In Christian ministry also, it is not "what" but "how" that matters (2 Tim 2:5; cf 1 Cor 3:10). Nowhere else do we learn the importance of team spirit than in games. How sadly we lack this in Christian circles! Perseverance is another character developed in the field of sports (Heb 12:1,2; Acts 20:24). Sportspersons aim for the medal. They won't settle for anything less. Because this spirit is missing in the Church, very few Christians do their "utmost for the Highest!"

Churches and ministries must motivate their young people to participate in sports and games. I always believe that a Spirit-filled doctor will be a better doctor; a Spirit-filled architect will be a better architect; so also a Spirit-filled player will be a better player. Did not Prophet Elijah run faster than the chariot of King Ahab when the hand of the Lord came on him? (1 Ki 18:44-46). Did not Evangelist Philip overtake the fast Ethiopian chariot when the Spirit propelled him? (Acts 8:29,30). It was like a cross-country race! With the favour of the Almighty God on them, Christian athletes can be "ten times better" than their non-Christian counterparts (Dan 1:20). Why not? (Rom 9:16).

When Brazil won the World Cup for the third time in 2002, the players knelt down on the football field with a thanksgiving prayer and exalted the Lord God, saying, "This thing comes from the Lord." The whole world watched it. C.T. Studd (1862-1931), a missionary to the dark continent of Africa and the founder of the World Evangelisation Crusade, was one of the best of English Cricketers.


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