Fragrance in Family
"Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter against them" (Col 3:19)
Charity begins at home. Our houses must be filled with the fragrance of love (cf Jn 12:3). The home is the most sacred sanctuary in the world. Christ had His last supper in a house. The Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost came down in a house. It was in a house the Holy Spirit came for the first time on non-Jews. The early Christians gathered in houses. Their breadbreaking and evangelism were from house to house.
God begins with husbands as He began with Adam. They are to set the ball in motion. If they fail, the entire system goes wrong. Husbands are to love their wives, (a) as Christ loved the Church; (b) as they love their own bodies; and (c) as they love themselves (Eph 5:25,28,33). This is absolute, selfless, joyful love. This love is not always easy and automatic. Isaac, a type of Christ, "loved" his wife (Gen 24:67). The Bible need not mention a virtue which flows out effortlessly. Are not the husbands "commanded" to love their wives? True love is not "because of" but "in spite of!" Elkanah loved Hannah eventhough she was barren (1 Sam 1:5). There is no wife who has never upset her husband. But he should never give place to bitterness, rather keep on loving her (Col 3:19).
Love begets love. Christ loved us first and we love Him in response. A loving husband and a loving wife are a beautiful gift from God. Their love for each other should cover a multitude of defects and shortcomings. Paul wrote to Titus to teach younger women to love their husbands and the children (Tit 2:4). Yes, love must be taught. It is tough! But when love grows cold, division is on the way. It may not be apparent but internal bleeding is more dangerous! A house divided against itself will not stand (Mt 12:25).
When parents live in love with each other, the children get an atmosphere of love for healthy growth. Someone said, "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother!" Joseph was so loving and considerate towards Mary both before and after marriage. The Boy Jesus grew in this atmosphere with submission and obedience. As His carpenter father provided for the family, He made a provision for His widowed mother even at His painful death.
O perfect love, all human thought transcending,
Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy Throne,
That ours may be the love which knows no ending,
Whom Thou forevermore dost join in one!
(Dorothy B. Gurney, 1858-1932)
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