Our Daily Bread

"Oh, how I love Your Law! I meditate on it all day long" (Psa 119:97)

To produce one tablespoon of honey, the little bee makes 4200 trips to flowers. It makes about 100 trips a day to the fields, each trip lasting 20 minutes average and 400 flowers!

Wow! When my eyes hit this piece of astounding information in a book of illustrations, my mind instantly switched on to think about the Holy Bible. The Bible is compared to honey and honeycomb (Psa 19:10; 119:103). The Bible was written over a span of about 1500 years. God spoke in parts and in different ways (Heb 1:1). He has revealed His will and ways to us in stages—"precept upon precept; line upon line; here a little, there a little!" (Isa 28:10). In other words, the Bible was not written overnight and released in the early morning as a newspaper. God was not in haste while writing His book. He was extremely patient throughout the production of this unique piece of literature which would never need be revised or updated.

I would say that the underlying reason for our poor understanding of the Scriptures is our impatience. The modern generation of Christians is more impatient than those of the earlier generations when it comes to Bible meditation. The spirit of this age of fast food and junk food has pervaded us. Preachers and pastors teach God's people strictly to give atleast one tenth of their income to God. But hardly do we hear sermons which persuade us to spend atleast one twentieth of our time, which is about an hour per day, with God's Word. On the other hand we come across slogans like "Just Five Minutes a Day!" in the context of daily devotions.

Manna, the daily bread with which God fed His people for forty years in their wilderness journey towards Canaan, is a type of the Word of God (Ex 16:14-36). This seedlike substance did not come from Heaven as food packets thrown from a helicopter. It was not a readymade food. Folks had to go about and gather it and grind it with handmills or pound it in mortars. They had to boil it and make it into flax cakes (Num 11:7,8). It did take time. If we are serious about receiving the intended benefit from God's Word, we must decide once and for all that we would spend unhurried quality time with it. There are no shortcuts.

Bread of our souls, whereon we feed;
True manna from on High;
Our guide and chart, wherein we read
Of realms beyond the sky! (Golden Bells 587) 


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