Discovery Channel

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go" (Psa 32:8)

While talking about the will of God, we must understand two aspects. One is the general will of God and the other the specific will of God. The former is basic and it is the same for all of us, but the latter is different for each individual. Sanctification, Praise, Doing Good, etc., relate to the first aspect (1 Thess 4:3; 5:18; 1 Pet 2:15). When we are faithful in fulfilling this aspect, we will be able to understand God's specific will.

There are usually four means by which we can ascertain God's specific will. First, the teaching of the Scriptures. The Word of God is the final authority in all matters of life and conduct. Once a course of action cannot be fully endorsed by the Scriptures, there's no further consideration. Next, we have the inner voice of the Spirit. The indwelling Spirit leaves impressions on our hearts and minds. He is the Divine Helper to lead us. Thirdly, we refer to godly counsel. Mature believers and leaders can guide us with their knowledge, experience and gifts. Finally, we consider the circumstantial evidence. Generally this serves as a confirmation because it is God who orders situations in our lives. When these four things are aligned, we can safely proceed. The inner peace over the matter is further evidence. But there are times when in spite of taking all these steps we still may not be sure of God's will. There could be several reasons—

a) God sees that we are not mentally, spiritually or physically ready yet to execute His will should He reveal it to us (Jn 16:12). We must go on spending more time in reading and meditation, and doing actively things about which we are quite clear.

b) In our life there may be certain areas of disobedience to the Scriptural principles. When it is more obedience that we need, God does not give more light. He would have us search ourselves and set matters right (Psa 50:23b).

c) God leaves an element of uncertainty to strengthen our faith. That's what makes Christian life exciting. He doesn't give us a blueprint for life, but only a compass. As we proceed, if we deviate to the right or the left, we will hear His voice from behind (Isa 30:21).

Lead, kindly Light! Amid the encircling gloom, lead Thou me on;
The night is dark, and I am far from home, lead Thou me on;
Keep Thou my feet, I do not ask to see
The distant scene, one step enough for me!
                   (John Henry Newman, 1801-1890, Written while sailing)


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