
"What God has joined together, let no man separate" (Mt 9:6)

Family is God's eternal idea. It's God's basic unit of creation. The devil is all out to destroy it. More and more families are breaking up. Covenant relationships vanish. Spouses grow impatient and irritated with each other. Children turn bitter against parents. These are endtime signals. The last verses of the Old Testament speak of the restorative ministry of the Holy Spirit in the endtime (Mal 4:5,6).

Apostle Paul predicted, "In the last days perilous times will come; For men will be lovers of themselves... disobedient to parents... without natural affection" (2 Tim 3:1-3). These days are already on us. Though separation or divorce is not easy in Indian culture, unresolved conflicts are there in every other family. 

Follow these simple guidelines for family survival—

Husband and wife should consistently grow in mutual love and respect by spending quality time with each other. Pray, meditate the Bible and enjoy things together. True love means faithfulness, forgiveness and forbearance. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 together frequently for retrospect and renewal. Mature counselling must be sought at early symptoms of disunity.

Parents should be models than masters to the children. Children should not be threatened or over-corrected. Parents must become friends to the children. The husband should not dump on the wife all the responsibility of child-rearing and training. Scripturally the responsibility is largely on fathers (Eph 6:4). Nowadays parents give their children everything except themselves. This is sure to bring disaster.

Family prayer should not be sacrificed for anything. Throw away the television or any pastime which steals away the family prayer time. The family altar would alter many a family! The family that prays together stays together. John Wesley (1703-1791) testified that he learnt more about Christianity from his mother than from all the theologians of England.

Let us parents claim this endtime promise for our children: "In the last days, says God, I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions" (Acts 2:17). A happy family is but an earlier Heaven!

Happy the home when God is there and love fills every breast;
When one their wish and one their prayer and one their heav'nly rest!
(Henry Ware Jr., 1794-1843)


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