In & Out!

"First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean" (Mt 23:26)

Hypocrisy means contradiction. That is, the difference between thoughts and words— keeping something in mind and saying something else. It is also a contradiction between words and deeds (Mt 23:2,3); a difference between life inside home and outside. There are some who behave themselves excellently outside, but their behaviour at home will be awful. They will be like angels on Sundays and the devil during weekdays.

How does hypocrisy arise? Many think that it is alright to be hypocritical. They find fault with others and justify themselves (Mt 7:4,5). One reason is that they simply `act' desiring public applause (Mt 23:27,28). Another reason is that they give undue emphasis to the external things rather than the inward life (Mt 23:25,26). Covetousness (Ezek 33:31) and emphasizing minor things rather than the fundamentals are also the other reasons (Mt 23:24). Jesus did not say, "Woe unto you, adulterers…thieves…murderers...," but He repeatedly pronounced, "Woe unto you, hypocrites." Hypocrisy is that grave a sin.

Hypocrisy is mostly seen in spiritual matters. Some praise and worship God with their mouths, but their hearts are not one with Him (Mt 15:7-9). They will be eager to listen to His Word but they do not do what it says (Ezek 33:31,32). Some will be preaching to others only (Rom 2:21-23; Psa 50:16). These people will be active in even religious exercises such as almsgiving, praying in a flowery language and fasting (Mt 6:2,5,16). These hypocrites will act as though they are nice to others but in their hearts they will set traps for them.

The Bible teaches that the hope and happiness of hypocrites will not last long but will perish soon (Job 8:13-15). If God says "Woe" to the hypocrites, we can guess their future. The first sin judged in the infant Church was hypocrisy (Acts 5:1-11).

Hypocrisy retards spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:1-3). God's children should never give place to hypocrisy. God knows every one of our thoughts, actions and whereabouts (Psa 139). The fear that we would have to stand in front of God's judgment seat should never leave us (2 Cor 5:10-12).

All light is no light;
for noblemen the light of truth is the true light!
                    (Thiruvalluvar, an ancient Tamil poet)


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