Shepherds as Safeguards
"Speak the things which are for sound doctrine" (Tit 2:1)
The next help for discerning the spirits comes from fellow-saints and servants of God. No Christian is complete in himself. No congregation is complete in itself. We need one another. When we become sick, the entire body fights against the germs. In the same way, we need the help of the local Body of Christ and His universal Body in withstanding the "winds and waves" of the evil one. Various ministers are gifted to the Church by the resurrected Lord for its edification and growth "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Eph 4:11-16).
We come across a classic example of this exercise in the Jerusalem Council which was convened to discuss the circumcision issue for the non-Jewish believers. Apostle Peter "reported" that he witnessed God pouring out His Holy Spirit on them also without any distinction (Acts 15:6-9). This phenomenon was then "interpreted" by apostle James on the basis of what was "written" (vv 13-17). This then brought about an agreement on the matter (vv 22-28). The result was "joy," "encouragement" and "strengthening" for the new believers (vv 30-32).
Consulting the elders and leaders also means studying the Church history. A diligent study reveals that many of the so-called "new" things which sprang up in Church history down through the ages have got finally crystallized as "cults." To counteract God's activities in times of revival, Satan and his spirits become overactive. This is the testimony borne by seasoned men of God of the past, like Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) the greatest philosopher-theologian of America.
There are others who defend the questionable experiences of today saying, "See the fruits!" But "fruits" do not just mean lifestyle or life-change. The Gospel is so powerful that even if you adulterate it, there will be some good results! Let this not misguide us. I am of the opinion that hardly ten percent of what is preached these days is pure Gospel. Then how do we explain the healings, the miracles and the blessings people receive? The answer is simple. God loves the people so much that He uses our ministries not mainly "because of" our
wonderful performance but "in spite of" our blunders. Jesus bypassed the diplomacy of the disciples saying, "I have compassion on the multitude" (Mt 14:15,16; 15:32).
Oh, for more ministers of wisdom, knowledge and discernment who would unmask "false apostles" who appear as "ministers of righteousness" (2 Cor 11:13-15)!
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