Head speaks to Feet!

"Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the harvest" (1 Cor 3:7)

God in His sovereign grace and wisdom is using para-Church organisations, so called, all over the world to further His cause. But they are an eyesore to many a pastor and Church leader. The Scriptural validity of these organisations is repeatedly questioned. Dialogues between both sides have helped to improve mutual understanding, but tensions do exist.

I believe that we have the seedbed for missionary societies in Acts 13. The Holy Spirit actually called Barnabas and Paul "out of" a local Church for a wider ministry. After their first missionary journey, they returned to the Church, which released them, to report the works of God (Acts 14:26,27). But thereafter we don't see Paul and his associates tied up to any one particular local Church. Their style of functioning became that of a missionary society.

Para-church organisations are essentially translocal in their ministry. Our understanding of the Church should not be limited to the local assembly. The universal aspect of the Church helps to explain the place of para-church organisations in God's Kingdom. There are not only "diversities of gifts" but also "differences of ministries" and "diversities of activities." But it is all by the "same" Spirit, "same" Lord, and "same" God (1 Cor 12:4-6).

I understand para-church organisations as the scaffolding, and the Church as the building. The mission of missions is Church planting; and the mission of the Church is missions. We need Bible Translators and Bible Societies so pastors and their congregations can have Bibles to study. Relief Agencies assist the Churches in their social concerns. Theological Colleges train men and women for various responsibilities in the Church. Missionary Societies reach out to "hidden" peoples who are not normally covered by evangelistic programmes of local Churches. These Societies are comparable to feet. "The head cannot say to the feet, I don't need you!" (1 Cor 12:20,21).

Para-church organizations serve as common platforms and meeting points to foster unity and fellowship between congregations. When we pool our resources, lot of duplication can be avoided. Let's praise God for any ministry that brings gains to His Kingdom. Why stop someone from prophesying just because he is not with us "inside the tent?" Let's not be narrow-minded like Joshua but be large-hearted like Moses (Num 11:26-29).


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