Common-sense & Counterfeit!
"Don't get involved in foolish and ignorant arguments that only start fights" (2 Tim 2:23)
We have so far looked at three means God has given us to discern the spirits. We will conclude this study today, looking at the fourth means of discernment.
More often than we think, common sense is a surer safeguard than many others. Someone wisely said, "When common sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense!" Sometimes we are told, "Don't rationalize. Don't try to understand these things through human intellect. These are supernatural things," and so on. But this argument is absurd. Because, God has given us a spirit of "sound mind" (2 Tim 1:7). In Christian dedication we are not called to "remove" our mind but to "renew" it (Rom 12:1,2). Mature believers are defined as those "who by reason of practice have theirsenses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14). The thinking faculty is a gift from God. Christians must be good thinkers.
Paul rebuked the Galatian believers as "foolish" Galatians, because they embraced another gospel and were "bewitched" (Gal 3:1a). They began in the Spirit but started going after fleshly excitements (v3). The deceived are supposed to "come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil" (2 Tim2:26). Peter's description of the false teachers in 2 Peter 2 is the strongest and lengthiest picture of them in the entire New Testament. In the previous chapter and the next he was "stirring up theminds" of the believers (1:13; 3:1). Therefore letting the mind into a state of neutrality is not spirituality but stupidity!
In some of the so-called revival meetings, people reportedly are roaring. It is justified as the voice of the Lion of Judah! The latest is barking. There are books which expound these as the "animal sounds of the Holy Spirit!" Christians, where are we heading? Now there is crawling and hissing. What next? We may soon need warning boards in our Churches as, "Beware of Dogs and Cobras!" Are we without "understanding" (Mt 15:16,17)? Does not "nature" itself teach us (1 Cor 11:14)?
Friends, these so-called new move and new revelations won't satisfy or edify your inner man. They are "wells without water"—deep but dry; "clouds without rain" — dense but no downpour (2 Pet2:17). Return to the "old" paths; you will find rest to your souls! (Jer 6:16).
The Pauline instruction in 1 Thessalonians 5:21,22 is conclusive:
Analyse — all things!
Accept — only good things!
Avoid — all questionable things! Amen!
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