Streams in the Desert
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches" (Rev 3:6)
My darling Child,
I am grieved when I see My people walking around with long faces. Your life on earth will not be without worries but you must learn to live above them (Jn 16:33b). I am the River of Joy. I flow through the Church on earth. Have a bath in My waters. Sit under the trees on the banks. You will be healed of your hurts (Psa 46:4,5; Rev 22:1,2). I am the Wind of Heaven. Enjoy My breeze. Your heaviness will flee. I am the Oil of Gladness. Apply it on your head. You will be relieved of tensions. I will turn your mourning into dancing.
When problems mount up and pains increase, remember you are not alone. I am not just with you, but in you! (Jn 14:17b). I understand your pain more than you feel it, because as God resident in you nothing is hidden from Me. I suffer with you (Isa 63:9). I am your Comforter forever. I will strengthen your weak hands and feeble knees.
Lean on Me, My child, lean on Me! I will heal your broken heart. I will give you beauty for ashes and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa 61: 1- 3). Eating and drinking and such physical pleasures don't last long. Revel in Me. That's what life in God's Kingdom means (Rom 14:17). I make the joy and peace of Jesus real to you. It's what the world cannot give or understand or take away (Jn 14: 26, 27).
Sometimes you may feel lonely and orphaned. You would wonder whether I had left you. Remember, dear child, I don't make shunting trips between Heaven and earth according to My moods and your condition. No, I am always with you whether you feel so or not (Jn 14:16b). If I have to vacate your heart every time you displease Me, I cannot be resident in any saint on earth (Psa 51:11).
Hear us, Thou that broodest o'er the watery deep,
Waking all creation from its primal sleep;
Holy Spirit, breathing breath of life divine,
Breathe into our spirits, blending them with Thine.
When the fight is fiercest in the noontide heat,
Bear us, Holy Spirit, to our Saviour's feet,
There to find a refuge till our work is done,
There to fight the battle till the battle's won!
(Rev. Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903)
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