Old is Gold!
"Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles" (Isa 40:30,31)
Today's meditation is mainly for the beloved senior citizens.
It's good to go jogging for improving blood circulation and increasing muscle strength. But the daily exercise of sitting before the Lord with an open Bible and an open mind, as the above Scripture passage promises, will renew our strength and restore spiritual energy to our inner man. The blessedness of brokenness belongs to those who spend unhurried time before the Lord their Creator. Hardening of the heart ages people more quickly than hardening of the arteries. Comparing his life on earth to pilgrimage, Psalmist David testifies concerning God's Word, "Your statues have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage" (Psa 119:54).
Every average Christian has in his bookshelf numerous unread books which he has purchased over the years. Use the leisure time of the old age to read these books, especially the biographies and autobiographies of God's saints and servants. You are never too old to read. Hear apostle Paul addressing Timothy: "The time of my departure is at hand…I have finished the race…Be diligent to come to me quickly…Bring the cloak…when you come —and thebooks, especially the parchments" (2 Tim 4:6,7,9,13).
One afternoon in October 1931 Amy Carmichael (1861-1951) fell down and broke a leg and dislocated an ankle. Complications set in which, added to her thirtysix years of unbroken service in India, left her an invalid for the rest of her life. Yet from her bed — often lying completely flat — she continued her ministry of rescuing temple girls in Dohnavur, South India. She kept in touch with the outside world through her correspondence and, with help, wrote thousands of letters. Already the author of many books, she wrote a further thirteen books during this period, as well as revising her other titles and producing more poetry.
Listen to music and message tapes. These days we have the entire New Testament or the Bible in audiotapes. Hearing is sometimes less strenuous than reading in old age. A Jewish proverb says, "For the ignorant, old age is as winter; for the learned, it is a harvest!"
With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness...
Thy faithfulness to all generations!
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