Learned Fool!
"The fool has said in his heart, There is no God!" (Psa 14:1)
Scientific inventions like Cable TV, Cell Phone, Satellite and Super Computer make many people, especially youngsters, in the 21st century to doubt the very existence of God. "Science or Scriptures?" is a question that constantly challenges the mind.
The Bible is not against Science. The Bible in fact agrees with true Science. The Bible abounds in scientific facts. It declares that the world is round (Isa 40:22). Even thousands of years before, the Bible has stated that the earth hangs on nothing (Job 26:7). We have learned from the Bible the scientific facts such as the stars in the sky cannot be numbered (Gen 15:5), and there is oil in the valley of Siddim (Arabia) (Gen 14:10). The Bible has also mentioned that iron is taken from the earth (Job 28:2) and that molten glass is cast into moulds (Job 37:18). Surely God who has created Heaven and earth knows all this!
Many eminent Scientists believed in the Bible. Galileo (1564-1641), an Italian mathematician and physicist, proved that the sun rotates on its axis. He was a serious student of the Bible and sought to uphold the absolute authority of the Scriptures as the Word of God.
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was perhaps the greatest astronomer of all time and a brilliant mathematician. His three laws of planetary motion were discovered without the use of telescopes and without the benefit of modern mathematics. How Kepler did it is something that still amazes today's Scientists. Kepler wrote many books on Christianity.
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) is often called the Father of Modern Science. Boyle was the first to differentiate an element and a compound. He stated repeatedly that his whole purpose of scientific experiment was to demonstrate the reasonableness and harmony of the Scriptures and natural law and principles.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the greatest scientific mind of all history, discovered the law of gravitation. He developed calculus and invented the reflecting telescope. He said, "the authority of the Prophets is divine, and no power on earth is authorised to alter what they wrote."
No one could destroy the faith and love these brilliant men had for God and His Bible. The more they researched on scientific subjects the more they revered the Sovereign Saviour!
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!"
(The Bible)
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