Black Money
"Providing honourable things not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men" (2 Cor 8:21)
When VIPs from the religious or the secular world are invited to our programmes, it's our tradition to say, "We are honoured with your presence in our meeting." But Paul's challenge was, "Have I become your enemy because of preaching the truth?" (Gal 4:16). We are called to bless people, not to please them. Jesus is called "a stumbling stone and a rock of offence" (Rom 9:33). And Paul speaks of the "offence" of the Cross (Gal 5:11). Several times we read in the Gospels that those who heard Jesus were "offended at Him" (Mt 13:57; Mk 6:3). Once His disciples came and said to Him, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?" But He coolly answered, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind" (Mt 15:12-14). Don't hide the truth just to keep some rich and affluent men with you. Don't soft-pedal while preaching that you may gain wide acceptance.
We should neither depend on hoarders of black money nor should we accumulate black money. Unaccounted money is black money. It is a pity that in some Churches the huge sums received by Pastors as "tithes" from people are not accounted for. Organisations that handle public money should not appoint their family members as Treasurers. In the early Church "seven men of good reputation" chosen by the people themselves looked after the business affairs that involved finance (Acts 6:3).
Billy Graham testifies, "All financial affairs of our organisation are in the hands of the Board of Directors. I have no control over this aspect of the work. Along with the other Evangelists on our staff I am paid a salary by the Board. I do not accept personal gifts or offerings. Our finances are audited and the report is made available to our supporters." It is statutory for the member Missions of the India Missions Association to have their accounts audited and submitted to the Government. We can avoid traps and scandals if Evangelists and organisations are linked to such common bodies for financial accountability.
Love of money is the root cause of all evils in the ministries. I advised a young preacher to hand over financial matters to a committee and concentrate only on preaching of the Word of God. He first agreed, but after discussing with a popular preacher he rejected this advice. A wrong never becomes right just because many are doing it.
A man who professes to be honest before God
but is dishonest with men is undoubtedly a hypocrite!
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