Dear Enemies!

"Love your enemies... do good to those who hate you" (Mt 5:44)

"How can I love my enemies?" Every other Christian is bothered by this question. Enemies for a Christian are essentially those who are the enemies of the Cross and those who oppose the preaching of the Gospel. Occasionally there could also be some who, because of their differing tastes and temperaments, would hate you. Sometimes it becomes really impossible to get along with such folks. That’s why the Bible admonishes, "If it is possible, as much asdepends on you, live peaceably with all men" (Rom 12:18). Here are some guidelines to help you improve your relationship with those who oppose or hate you—

 First, meditate on God’s love to them too! "He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust" (Mt 5:45). Each person is precious to God. Christ died for every man and woman, good or bad, so called.

Secondly, remind yourself of how patient God is towards you! He has not given up on us though we have failed or disappointed Him so many times. He, who is abundant in mercies, expects us to forgive others — not less than seven times seventy! Young Joseph pardoned his perfidious brothers who threw him in a waterless pit in the desert. How much our God loves this attitude!

Thirdly, pray for your enemies (Mt 5:44). Love grows in the soil of prayer. It always becomes easy to love or forgive someone who hates us when we start praying for that individual. Confess to God your inability to love and He will pour out His love into your heart through His Spirit and enable you to do what otherwise you cannot.

God does not allow us to curse even the devil (Jude 9). Guard your tongue lest you abuse someone. Let not bitterness ever take root in your heart. It defiles you and others as well (Heb 12:14,15). Vengeance is the Lord’s. Don’t take that rod in your hand. You will perish in that process (Mt 26:52). Look for opportunities to do some good to the one who has hurt you. Victory is yours! (Rom 12:19-21). "When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him" (Prov 16:7).

Doing bad for good is devilish;
Doing bad for bad is human;
Doing good for bad is Divine!


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