Paradise for Sale!

"My House shall be called the House of Prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves" (Mt 21:13)

Miracles, signs and wonders will be plenty when God visits His people in revival power. Men with such gifts will be believed and obeyed unquestioningly for what all they say. The preachers may take advantage of the situation and make a business out of it. Religion will be commercialized. Huge sums of money will be raised for the pet projects and self-glorifying programmes of the preachers.

Also moneyed people will woo and attract gifted preachers to bless their corrupt businesses. Preachers will indirectly promise special prayers for special offering. This is similar to the forgiveness tickets sold by the Pope for building fund. There will be all kinds of business around the "anointed oil" and "blessed handkerchief." Let's beware of attaching any kind and form of price tag to healing. Jesus said, "Heal the sick... Freely you have received, freely give" (Mt 10:8).

There was great joy in the city of Samaria when many were baptized, miracles happened, unclean spirits were cast out and the Holy Spirit was poured out on people. When Simon a sorcerer saw all these things, he offered the apostles money for the gift of impartation of the Holy Spirit. Peter rebuked him, "Your money perish with you!" (Acts 8:5-21). Observe the strict attitude of the apostles in money matters. Covetousness has been one of the primary causes for the fall of many a mighty servant of God. "The love of money is the root of all evil"— especially for those in Christian work. That's why, immediately after making this statement, apostle Paul urged Timothy, "But you, O man of God, flee these things!" (1 Tim 6:10,11).

In the second chapter of Acts we find people laying all their wealth at the apostles' feet. But in the next chapter Peter says, "Silver and gold I do not have!" How come? Yes, the apostles kept the money at their "feet" and not in their fist! That's the right place to keep money. Underfoot! That's how it is in Heaven. Gold underfoot! (Rev 21:21b).

It is "money for ministry" and not "ministry for money." This should not be reversed. Covetousness kills revival.

I would not ask for earthly store — Thou wilt my need supply;
But I would covet, more and more, the clear and single eye,
To see my duty face to face, and trust Thee, Lord, for daily grace!
                                                             (J.J. Maxfield)


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