The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

The whole Christian world (Churches /24 x 7 Prayer / Christian leaders) recently started buzzing about this Prayer. So, what is this Lord's prayer? I wanted to share about this Prayer which is super special for me always.  This is more of my understanding of this great Prayer and how I feel about it.
This special prayer was first taught to me by my mom when I was a kid to say every morning and evening. Being raised in traditional Church, saying this Prayer became a religious practice during school days. But after a time understood the actual meaning of this prayer and started saying it whole-heartedly on daily basis. Many a times I have felt I don't know what to Pray and how to Pray for certain scenarios and all those times I have prayed Lord's Prayer and trust me it was the best times and the answers I received were just amazing. This prayer does not have vague words, right structuring, right themes and words - A perfect prayer or you can even call it a blue print on how to pray. Ofcourse it is perfect and special because it is taught by Jesus Christ himself. It might sound like a simple small Prayer but it is the most powerful prayer you can do for anyone in any situation.
Most important, remember Lord's prayer is not a replacement to your regular conversations with God. You need to have your regular quiet times or prayer times with God. But, this does help in filling all prayers we miss to pray. So, if you are interested why not try praying this prayer. Use this Prayer when you are short of words or not sure what to pray in some situation. Stay Blessed.


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