Merry Marriage!
"I have singled Abraham out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord" (Gen 18:19)
Happy family is but an earlier Heaven! Sadly the devil has robbed families of joy and peace by offering substitutes. But God desires each family to experience happiness abundantly in every area of its life. It was perhaps to indicate this concern of His for families that His Son Jesus performed His first miracle in a marriage party (Jn 2:1-12). From this first century incident of Cana we can pick out some lessons today and tomorrow, for a happy home.
Presence of Jesus
Jesus was "invited" to the wedding! (v 2). This made all the difference. The first secret of a happy home lies here. The presence of Jesus cannot be taken for granted. His presence is promised on condition that two or three shall "gather" in His Name (Mt 18:20). There was a time when it was hard to find Christian homes without family prayer. But nowadays so many families have forsaken the family altar. Even in homes where the practice is cherished, it is occasional. God has become a standby and we don't think about Him until there arises a crisis.
The father is supposed to be the first priest to the family. Without his initiation and cooperation, there can be no regularity in family devotions. Coming together before the Lord twice, once at dawn and then at dusk, is best. But where this is not possible, planning the family prayer before supper works well. No member should excuse himself or herself for any reason. It is an exciting time of worship and fellowship. It is also an occasion for mutual reconciliation.
Pathway of Obedience
The unquestioning obedience of the servants in the wedding is remarkable (vv 5-8). Most of the problems in our families remain unsolved because we keep embracing the principles of the godless world rather than the prescription of God's Word (1 Jn 2:16,17). We don't consult the Bible when in doubt and despair. We run for quick-fix methods and end up in greater misery after a temporary relief.
The quality faith of Timothy was an inheritance from his granny and mummy (2 Tim 1:5, 3:15). I grew up in a home where the rule was, No Bible No Breakfast! I don't regret that my mother was so strict. Most of what I bring out today while preaching or writing is from the treasure chest of my heart which my parents packed with Scriptures. Yes, home is the seminary of all other institutions.
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