Slander a Blunder!

"Backbiters are worthy of death" (Rom 1:30-32)

Speaking ill of another person in his absence is called slander or backbiting. We don't help anyone by this act. God has commanded in the Law, "You shall not go as a talebearer among your people" (Lev 19:16). The reason He gives is, "I am the Lord!" In other words, God hates backbiting. We may justify ourselves saying, "After all, I am telling the truth only." Imagine God revealing our sins to others! It was true that Noah was lying naked in his tent because of drunkenness. Ham his son, instead of covering his dad, told the matter to his brothers. The result was that Ham inherited only curse! (Gen 9:20-27). "Love covers multitude of sins!" (1 Pet 4:8).

Lovelessness is the root cause of backbiting. Love rejoices not in evil (1 Cor 13:6). We don't realize that it is God who first hears what we speak when we slander against anyone. Backbiting grieves the Holy Spirit because it is against His nature (Eph 4:30,31). Those who find pleasure in slandering hardly make any progress in their spiritual life. Apostle Peter pointedly said, "Laying aside all evil speaking…desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby" (1 Pet 2:1,2). Backbiting hinders the growth of the Church also (2 Cor 12:20,21).

Backbiting is not an isolated sin. It's a companion to many other evils. The Bible speaks against backbiting and flattery (Prov 20:19), backbiting and hypocrisy (Psa 41:6; Jer 9:4,8), backbiting and power-monging (3 Jn 9,10), and backbiting and idling (1 Tim 5:13; 2 Thess 3:11). Finally it leads to backsliding (Jer 6:27-30).

An Old Testament example stands out as a stern warning from God against backbiting. The story is in Numbers 12. Miriam and Aaron led a campaign against Moses. Here are some striking observations: Not Moses but the Lord heard it (v2). The anger of the Lord was kindled (v9). The glory of God departed from the Camp (v10). Miriam was struck with leprosy (v10). This indicates loss of spiritual sensitivity. She was shut out of the fellowship of God's people (v15). The journey of God's people got delayed (v15). Miriam and Aaron gave a spiritual colour to their malignant work against Moses (v2).

When you are tempted to backbite, ask yourself these questions: (a) Is it true? (b) Is it necessary? (c) Is it kind? When a backbiter comes to you, ask him these questions: (a) Will it do me any good? (b) Will it do you any good? (c) Will it do that person any good? If you are backbitten or slandered against, (a) Don't defend! (b) Don't offend! (c) But bless!


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