Delight or Drudgery?

"We are not boasting of things beyond measure, that is, in other men's labours" (2 Cor 10:15)

We painfully watch many faith evangelists in Christian TV literally begging people to help pay their large pending bills or the huge bank loans. This does not bring glory to God. One of the Christian broad- casting agencies in India tells of some evangelists who don't even reply its repeated reminders to pay their long dues of airtime cost. One should not do everything and get into trouble. "No one should think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly as God has given to each one a measure of faith" (Rom 12:3).

It is good to plan big projects but the Bible cautions us to "sit down first and count the cost" whether we have enough to finish it (Lk 14:28). Expansion in Christian ministries is God's blessing. But don't overtake God. In the parable of talents, all were not given equal number of talents. One was given five, the other two and the next just one (Mt 25:15). God's demand is only according to what is given to us. Big targets which are not clearly guided by the Lord are announced, and then to save our face before the people we turn heaven and earth and end up in carnal methods.

Christian work should never be one man show. It is not necessary that one should do everything. And it is not compulsory that everyone should do the same thing. It is not God's way. Often we are prone to make wrong decisions in our enthusiasm to do all that we desire or when we try to imitate others. We should find out the goal that God has set for us and strive to reach only that with His strength.

While I was a fulltime staff (1975-2003) in the Blessing Youth Mission, I had several invitations for radio and television ministries. Several came forward to sponsor the programmes. But as I was finding it difficult to find enough time even for the responsibilities God had already entrusted me with, I did not accept to take any more load. He honoured this decision. It is said that Dr. Billy Graham was promised all resources and prompted to start an University, but he politely replied, "God has called me to be an Evangelist and not an Educationalist!" Do you remember how the Olive tree, the Fig tree and the Vine refused the invitation of the other trees to reign over them, but chose to continue to be fruitful to God and man (Judg 9:8-13)?

Even in the days of Jesus millions in India were dying without salvation. But He never came to India!


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