Eyes (B)right!

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good your entire body will be full of light" (Mt 6:22)

Make this prayer today for your eyes—

O God, open my eyes! Without Your touch I was blind. The god of this age had blinded my eyes (2 Cor 4:4). Now I need Your second touch (Mk 8:25). There are yet scales to fall off my eyes (Acts 9:18).

Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your Word (Psa 119:18). I want not pebbles but pearls. Help me find the treasures hidden to the natural eyes (Prov 2:4). Give me a telescopic vision to look beyond to understand Your prophecies for tomorrow. Give me a microscopic vision to search the depths of Your wisdom. Fit me with a wide angle lens to grasp Your whole counsel.

Lord, open my eyes to see the angelic hosts who encamp all around me (Psa 34:7). Many times I so depend and trust on material things like the servant of Prophet Elisha that I become blind to the supernatural protection and ministry of Your angels to me (2 Ki 6:17; 5:26). Help me to keep looking up and not get lost with the things of the world. Remove all heaviness from my eyes.

Open my eyes, O Lord, to comprehend Your riches. Let my eyes be enlightened that I may appreciate Your high calling, applaud the greatness of Your power and admire the riches of Your inheritance in the saints (Eph 1:17-21). May Your Holy Spirit continue to reveal to me the things You have prepared for me, which my natural eye cannot see (1 Cor 2:9,10). Let me never lose the excitement of sitting in the Heavenlies.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see the mission fields which are ready for harvest (Jn 4:35). Sometimes I am so occupied with the things around me that I fail to look beyond. Give me a pioneering vision. Help me see with a moving compassion the multitudes of people without someone to show them the Way (Mt 9:36). Let me never remove the missionary glasses You have given me for constant wear. Keep anointing me with Your eyesalve!

Lift up thine eyes, O watchman; the armies of the Lord
Are riding forth to conquest with buckler, shield, and sword;
Glad tidings unto Zion that valiant host shall bring,
And shout aloud, Hosanna! The Lord, the Lord is King!
                             (Fanny J. Crosby,1820-1915)

Courtesy : http://www.stanleyonbible.com/dd/daily_devotions.php


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