First His Kingdom!

"If we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him" (1 Jn 5:15)

As we study the Sermon on the Mount we will certainly conclude that it is a Sermon on Prayer. Our meditations continue today on this Sermon.

 Mt 6:14,15, "If you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

Forgiveness of sins is conditional. Jesus meant what He said. Harbouring an unforgiving spirit is to our own disadvantage. God has generously forgiven what we have confessed as well as what we have failed or forgotten to confess. Should we not have the same attitude?

 Mt 6:16-18, "When you fast, do not be like the hypocrites. When you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

Jesus took it for granted that His people would regularly fast. He did not discuss whether or not fasting was necessary. God delights when we fast in secret. The result will be manifested as blessings both in life and work. If we do not spend time for God to speak to us, we cannot expect Him to speak through us. If we do not spend time talking to Him, we will not have a message from Him.

 Mt 6:25-33: Do not worry about your life... saying what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Prayer should not revolve around earthly and physical needs. If our primary interest is the establishment of God's Kingdom in all its righteousness everywhere, it becomes the King's responsibility to feed and clothe His soldiers. Put missions and worldwide evangelism on top. Pray for the Church and the Nation. Pray for national and international leaders. Pray for a heaven-sent revival. If you are not able to keep up your one hour prayer schedule any day, do make it up in weekends by observing an extended prayertime. This may sound legal but better so, because we have failed so much on knees!

Sweet hour of prayer that calls me from a world of care,
And bids me at my Father's Throne, make all my wants and wishes known!
                                                  (William Walford, 1772-1850)


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