Aged yet Agile!

"Those planted in the Lord's own house ... will produce fruit even in old age" (Psa 92:13,14)

The Bible has many secrets for the old people to stay young. One of them is to seek and enjoy the company of God's people. That's the message of today's memory text. Here's the conviction of an unknown old man: "I shall not mind the whiteness of my hair, or that slow steps falter on the stair, or that young friends hurry as they pass, or what strange image greets me in the mirror — If I can feel as the roots feel in the sod that I am growing old to bloom before the face of God!"

There's fullness of joy in God's presence. When we gather with the fellow saints in the Name of Christ and worship God, our hearts rejoice and tongues are glad. This also blesses our physique with a refreshing restfulness (Acts 2:25,26). Though the things of the world give us temporary kicks of pleasure, they ultimately sap us of our vitality and vibrance. It is because the devil is basically a thief. But the presence of the Lord we enjoy in the sheepfold of Jesus adds life to life so we may enjoy it abundantly (Jn 10:10; Acts 2:28).

Sustained youthfulness is one of the promises of the New Heaven and New Earth. "No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; for the child shall die one hundred years old!" (Isa 65:17,20). What is New Heaven and New Earth other than the "literal" presence of God in our midst? (Rev 21:1-3). The "spiritual" presence of God we can experience today does have the characteristic of the future glory, though partially.

It is good to involve in social clubs, but beware of getting mixed up too much with the worldlings. Gossip and vain chats will leak your spiritual vigour. "Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals," is an old saying.

Don't feel left out if you cannot shout or sing or jump like others in a worship service or a fellowship meeting. Though these expressions are welcome, it is the spirit of the worshipper that ultimately matters. What you mean and how much you mean it is what God is interested in. That is the meaning of worshipping God in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24).

Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, while here on earth we stay;
Let songs of Home and Jesus beguile each fleeting day;
Sing on the grand old story of His redeeming love—
The everlasting chorus that fills the realms above!
                                                 (Carrie M. Wilson)   

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