Head speaks to Feet!
"Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the harvest" (1 Cor 3:7) God in His sovereign grace and wisdom is using para-Church organisations, so called, all over the world to further His cause. But they are an eyesore to many a pastor and Church leader. The Scriptural validity of these organisations is repeatedly questioned. Dialogues between both sides have helped to improve mutual understanding, but tensions do exist. I believe that we have the seedbed for missionary societies in Acts 13. The Holy Spirit actually called Barnabas and Paul "out of" a local Church for a wider ministry. After their first missionary journey, they returned to the Church, which released them, to report the works of God (Acts 14:26,27). But thereafter we don't see Paul and his associates tied up to any one particular local Church. Their style of functioning became that of a missionary society. Para-church organisations are essentially trans...