Dear Doctor

"Those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick" (Mt 9:12)

God works through natural as well as supernatural means to bring health to His people. There is not a single reference in the entire Bible that condemns medical help.

Dr. Ambrose Pare confessed, "I bandage, God heals." In answer to his tearful prayer God promised Hezekiah the King through Prophet Isaiah that He would heal him. "Then Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs... So they took and laid it on the boil and he recovered" (2 Ki 20:5,7). Did the Prophet underestimate the healing power of God by prescribing a herbal medicine to a leader of God's people? Or did the apostle Paul undermine the miracle-working power of God by recommending medicinal wine to a young leader in the Church? (1 Tim 5:23).

Jesus did not condemn the woman who spent all her money on doctors. Rather He comforted her and cured her (Mk 5:25,26,34). If sickness is a punishment from the Lord, the primary remedy is repentance. Here's where King Asa failed. He fell ill when he backslided. Instead of seeking God in repentance he sought the physicians only (2 Chr 16:7-12).

If you are firm in not taking medicine, good. May the Lord honour your faith. But remember that miracles are more an exception than a rule. Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, but He expects us to go to work to earn bread. You cannot always expect crows to bring beef and angels bring bread! Thanks be to God for "beloved" physicians like Luke! (Col 4:14). Praise God for "good" Samaritans who pour oil and wine on the wounds! (Lk 10:34).

Don't sympathize with yourself. It makes your condition worse. Empathise with others whose condition is poorer and suffering greater. Amidst excruciating pain on the Cross, Jesus thought about His mother through whose soul a sword was piercing (Lk 2:35; Jn 19:25-27). It was when Job prayed for his friends the Lord restored his losses (Job 42:10). "Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble... The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness" (Psa 41:1,3). When you feed the foodless, house the homeless and cover the clotheless, "your healing shall spring forth speedily" (Isa 58:7,8). No one is too poor to give. People poorer than us are more than the richer. Do something specific to alleviate someone's pain so you may attract divine favour.


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