Leaders' Plight

"I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered" (Mt 26:31; Zech 13:7)

Though all Christians will have to pass through trials and tribulations, those in Christian ministry and leadership will be the primary target of the devil. We don't remove a tree by plucking off leaves or cutting off branches. The axe will be laid at the "root" of the tree! Having been in Christian leadership for over three decades, I would say that those in leadership positions must not be envied but pitied. Godly leaders never came up to their positions by their choice or grabbing of seats. More often than we think, God puts them there more or less by compulsion. He would not accept their excuses to assume such responsibilities (Ex 4:10-13; Jer 1:4-8).

Constant weight of responsibilities, sleepless nights due to pressures and problems, frequent travels, hectic schedule, pressures due to unrealistic expectations of people, non-cooperation and strife among coworkers, challenges and threats from the enemies of the gospel, financial strain, family problems, repeated temptations and scores of such things tire the leaders physically, exhaust them mentally and drain them spiritually. No wonder even champions like prophet Elijah cried, "It is enough, Lord, take my life!" (1 Ki 19:4).

The Strike-the-Shepherd operation of Satan has gathered momentum in these last days. Every other preacher is ill with some chronic disease. God's servants meeting with frightful accidents is no more a surprise. Family conflicts and moral failures are commonplace. Corruption is rampant. Only now the people are understanding that preachers and leaders are not angels but just human. Preachers have prayed enough for people. It's now the people's turn to pray for the preachers.

The cross of loneliness is the heaviest for leaders. The closest disciples were fighting for prominence and positions while Jesus was preparing to drink the cup of bitterness. They slept off while He was sweating blood. Even the guardian angels were absent for a while. It appeared to Jesus on the Cross that God also had forsaken Him. Dear friends, do all that's possible to encourage the leaders, refresh them and support them. If they do well, you only will be the beneficiary.

Jesus, I my cross have taken — All to leave and follow Thee;
Let the world despise and leave me — They have left my Saviour too;
Foes may hate and friends may shun me — Show Thy face; All is bright!
                                                   (Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847)


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