Healing or no Healing!

"My grace is sufficient for you; for My power is made perfect in your weakness" (2 Cor 12:9a)

God is a Healer. He revealed Himself as Jehovah-Rapha, meaning "The Lord who heals" (Ex 15:26). He has never changed. His power is still the same. What is impossible for man or medicine is possible with God!

God's power to heal was manifested to the highest degree through Jesus during His earthly ministry. Jesus healed all kinds of diseases, and all who touched Him were made whole. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb 13:8). On the Cross He carried away our sins and our sicknesses (Isa 53:4,5; Mt 8:16,17). We are cleansed by His blood and healed by His wounds.

The Holy Spirit has bestowed on the Church the gifts of healing (1 Cor 12:9,28). They are in operation. But our bodies are mortal. We are still subject to death (1 Cor 15:26). The total redemption of our bodies is still in the future (Rom 8:23). Until the day comes when there will be no more pain and sorrow, we may be subject to physical ailments common to man (Rev 21:4).

When a Christian believer becomes sick, he must resort to prayer. He must seek the help of the elders in the Church to offer the prayer of faith for him. And he must search himself to find if he had sinned. Whatever medical help is available may be accepted. Under normal circumstances he will be healed (Js 5:14-16).

But there are times when God does not choose to heal. The Bible tells of several saints who walked uprightly before Him but were still sick. Paul had to carry on with the thorn in his "flesh." God promised him sufficient grace (2 Cor 12:7-10). Timothy had his weak stomach (1 Tim 5:23). Epaphroditus was sick unto death (Phil 2:25-27). Prophet Elisha, who worked so many miracles, died of a disease (2 Ki 13:14). History abounds with examples of godly folks who were not healed. Fanny Crosby (1823-1915), an American poetess, became blind when she was six weeks old and remained so till death, but she gave us over 8000 hymns, one of which is Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

All good gifts come from God. He is not the author of sickness. But He uses it as a rod of chastisement or for some mysterious purpose we cannot explain. He is Sovereign. Ultimately all things, seemingly good or bad, work together for the good of His children (Rom 8:28).

   Healing or no healing, God is God! His grace is sufficient in our grief! 


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