Ruth's Redemption

After a long time read the chapters of Ruth. Thought of sharing my understanding from those. The story of Ruth begins with a gray picture. Her mother-in-law Naomi lost her husband & two sons in Moab where they went as refuge for famine and is left with poverty and two daughter-in-laws.She decides to go back to Bethleham after hearing that God has met his people and Blessed them. She asks her daughter-in-laws to go back to their parent's place. Ideally any woman would have want to go back to her parent's place so did Ruth's co-sister.
But Ruth stayed with Naomi saying wherever you go I will also come, wherever you stay I will stay, your people are my people and your God is my God. This decision cannot be seen as a easy one. It takes a lot of courage and love for someone to say these words. Ruth is a Moabite woman. Leaving her home place and embracing her husband's people and place might be easy but believing a different Faith is tough and Ruth took that tough stand. It could be only her tremendous love towards God and Naomi that lead her to this decision. After reaching Bethleham, she goes out to work for food for her and her mother-in-law. There she meets Boaz, her husband's relative who helps her. Later, she obeys to Naomi's sayings which fetches Boaz as her husband and a blessed life of becoming mother of Obed who is the father of Jesse, the father of King David. It was in King David's family line that Lord Jesus Christ was born. How Blessed is Ruth? God under whose wings she took refuge, Blessed her with full reward. The story of Ruth thus ends with a beautiful picture of God's love, kindness and Grace bestowed on her. Lessons to be learnt from Ruth's life : 1. No matter how hard life hits you, do not leave the love for your God the Almighty. Always stay connected to him. Never forsake him and run as Naomi's other daughter in law. 2. Obey God and elders. This will never let you down at any point of your life 3. When you fully commit and surrender to Lord, he will Graciously Bless you from his abundance. Blessings, which you would have never imagined. Ruth went to work to earn her daily bread but God Blessed her so much from his abundance that Lord Jesus Christ was born in her family line. When I googled to find the exact meaning of Redemption here's what I got - The action of saving from error /evil /sin. It also has another meaning of buying something back i.e paying a price to return something to our possession. This is the same way God has redeemed us in the Cross. Believe in it. All our sins, errors are forgiven. All our sickness is borne on the cross. No evil can harm us. God has won the battle on the cross. Do not worry.He will get the situations and people work for our favour just as he did for Ruth. No matter how hard life's situations be, commit to God he will Bless us from his abundance. Nothing is too difficult to our God Almighty. God Bless you!


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