The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer The whole Christian world (Churches /24 x 7 Prayer / Christian leaders) recently started buzzing about this Prayer. So, what is this Lord's prayer? I wanted to share about this Prayer which is super special for me always. This is more of my understanding of this great Prayer and how I feel about it. This special prayer was first taught to me by my mom when I was a kid to say every morning and evening. Being raised in traditional Church, saying this Prayer became a religious practice during school days. But after a time understood the actual meaning of this prayer and started saying it whole-heartedly on daily basis. Many a times I have felt I don't know what to Pray and how to Pray for certain scenarios and all those times I have prayed Lord's Prayer and trust me it was the best times and the answers I received were just amazing. This prayer does not have vague words, right structuring, right themes and words - A perfect prayer or you can eve...