
Showing posts from October, 2014

Prevention is Better!

"Reject profane and old wives' fables,  and exercise yourself rather to godliness" (1 Tim 4:7) Deception is the most undiagnosed disease in the Church. The worst thing about deception is that the deceived persons will not know that they are deceived. The number of the deceived is increasing at an alarming rate as we approach the end of the age. When the disciples asked Jesus, "What will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the age?," His very first statement in reply was, "Take care that no one  deceives you!" (Mt 24:3,4). He added that even the very elect might be deceived (v24). Recovery from deception is extremely difficult. Prevention is better than cure. That's why Jesus said, "See, I have told you  beforehand!"  (v25). Let me suggest here a few safeguards against deception— Give top priority to Bible meditation among the other disciplines of devotional life. The Bible admonishes us to go to the presence of God "...

No one like Him!

"Just as the One who called you is holy, be holy yourselves  in all your conduct and manner of living" (1 Pet 1:15) God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Love, Unchanging and Holy. But the only character that is thrice-repeated in any doxology found in the Bible is God's holiness. We have one example in the Old Testament and the other in the New. In Isaiah's vision the heavenly creatures called seraphim cried to one another, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts!" (Isa 6:3). In John's revelation of open heaven the four living creatures kept worshipping God, saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!" (Rev 4:8). To say the word "holy" twice in Hebrew is to describe someone as most holy. To say the word "holy" thrice intensifies the idea to the highest level. In the majority of Greek texts the word "holy" in Revelation 4:8 occurs nine times! Undoubtedly holiness dominates all other characters of G...

First His Kingdom!

"If we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask,  we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him" (1 Jn 5:15) As we study the Sermon on the Mount we will certainly conclude that it is a Sermon on Prayer. Our meditations continue today on this Sermon.   Mt 6:14,15,  "If you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Forgiveness of sins is conditional. Jesus meant what He said. Harbouring an unforgiving spirit is to our own disadvantage. God has generously forgiven what we have confessed as well as what we have failed or forgotten to confess. Should we not have the same attitude?   Mt 6:16-18,  "When you fast, do not be like the hypocrites. When you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who s...

Daddy Knows!

"Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find;  Knock and it will be opened to you" (Mt 7:7) We shall continue our meditation on the Sermon on Prayer.   Mt 5:44,  "Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Christian life is delightful when we obey, and difficult otherwise. The commandments of Christ are not unreasonable or impossible. When we start praying for those who contradict us or conspire against us, the love of God overwhelms us so we can love them with the same love. The Lord purposely puts us with difficult persons. It is part of our discipline. Grace sufficient to live with hostility and misunderstanding is granted to us when we pray. Prayer prevents bitterness enter our hearts, and uproots if there's any against the person who has hurt us and for whom we are praying.   Mt 6:5,6,  "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray that they may be seen by men... But you, wh...

Preaching on Prayer

"Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer  and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests  be made known unto God" (Phil 4:6) Today is the birthday of the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. His favourite passage in the Bible was the Sermon on the Mount. A portion of this Sermon (Mt 5:3-10) is engraved in the Gandhi Memorial in the city of Chennai. Reading through the Sermon on the Mount once a month will keep our walk trim before God and man. Matthew 5 through 7 can be actually called a Sermon on Prayer. Here the Lord elaborates more on prayer than any other subject. At the very heart of this passage is a prayer which we call the Lord's Prayer (6:9-13). The priority Christ demands for prayer in our life cannot be overstressed. We shall be meditating on these passages today and the next four days.   Mt 5:6,  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." Prayer is a great sanctifier. ...