Make not your Maker!
"Keep yourselves from idols" (1 Jn 5:21) We can understand how much God abhors idolatry from the fact that the very first two of the Ten Commandments condemn it (Ex 20:2-5). The last dated book of the New Testament is John's Epistle and it ends with a warning against idolatry (1 Jn 5:21). We should worship only God the Creator and not anything created. When it is God who has made us, how can we make Him? He would never tolerate man worshipping statues made of metal, wood or stone. Man burns a portion of the wood, and with the rest of it he makes an idol. He prostrates himself before it and worships it (Isa 44:9-20). Can this be acceptable? Memorial symbols like the Cross (2 Ki 18:14) and objects of idolatry such as sun, moon and stars (Dt 4:19), animals, birds and creeping things (Rom 1:23) also should never be exalted to a position of worship. Satan, who suggested to Jesus to fall down and worship him, desires people also to do the same (Mt 4:9,10). We hear th...