Why worry Why?
"O Lord, what is man that You magnify him and that You are concerned about him?" (Job 7:17) Most of our troubles are due to our carelessness in words. Relationships are damaged by hasty and harsh words. Fellowship with God is also disturbed by impatient words. Have I not walked in integrity? Why then does God let me suffer like this? Have I not served Him faithfully all these years? Why then did He allow this calamity in my life? Have I not been unselfish and sacrificial in my dealings with people? Why then did He permit this loss in my business? Have I not loved Him so dearly that I never enjoyed any ungodly pastime? Why then does He punish me like this in displeasure? These questions flood our minds and fill our mouths when we suffer. Though these questions may appear sensible, they are wrong. We need to correct our thinking. We don't add anything to God by our offerings or service. He is absolutely absolute in Himself and He doesn't need anything fro...