Ruth's Redemption

After a long time read the chapters of Ruth. Thought of sharing my understanding from those. The story of Ruth begins with a gray picture. Her mother-in-law Naomi lost her husband & two sons in Moab where they went as refuge for famine and is left with poverty and two daughter-in-laws.She decides to go back to Bethleham after hearing that God has met his people and Blessed them. She asks her daughter-in-laws to go back to their parent's place. Ideally any woman would have want to go back to her parent's place so did Ruth's co-sister. But Ruth stayed with Naomi saying wherever you go I will also come, wherever you stay I will stay, your people are my people and your God is my God. This decision cannot be seen as a easy one. It takes a lot of courage and love for someone to say these words. Ruth is a Moabite woman. Leaving her home place and embracing her husband's people and place might be easy but believing a different Faith is tough and Ruth took that tough st...